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Hello! I'm trying to read the script of an unreleased Tintin album ''Tintin et le Thermozéro". Can someone translate this text?

Je suis agent du F.B.I.. A l'heure qu'il est, tous les services de contre-espionnage sont sur les dents. Des espions «freelance», c'est-à-dire travaillent pour leur propre compte et non pour une nation déterminée, ont commis un vol d'une portée effrayante... Ils sont parvenus à subtiliser dans un laboratoire un échantillon d'un produit nouveau destiné aux futurs explorateurs de l'espace: le «Zero heating»...


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Why don't you give us your effort,Tim  and we can take it from there?

yes as George said, if you try to propose a translation, for me it's easier to read and see if it means the same thing.

Okay, this is the best I could come up with. Does this seem right?

I am an agent from the FBI. At the moment all spies (what kind of spies?) are under pressure. The “freelance spies”, which means that they all work for themselves and not for a specific nation, have comitted a scary crime. From a laboratory they have stolen a sample of a new product/substance designed for future space explorers: “Zero heating”.

Okay, this is the best I could come up with. Does this seem right?

I am an agent from the FBI. At the moment all spies (what kind of spies?) are under pressure. The “freelance spies”, which means that they all work for themselves and not for a specific nation, have comitted a scary crime. From a laboratory they have stolen a sample of a new product/substance designed for future space explorers: “Zero heating”.

Very close.

"d'une portée effrayante"   "of terrifying consequences/extent"

 "services de contre-espionnage" ="just "counter espionage agencies"

"Un vol" is a theft rather than  a crime

"sur les dents" could be better as "on edge"

"destine" does mean "destined" of course. "Designed" is fine

Ahh I see! Thank you very much!!


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