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pour faire valoir leur point de vue

is this « to validate their point of view. »?


« presser”

Pls advise on its usage:

  • To squeeze a sponge or fruit

Tu peux me presser un citron?      

Can you squeeze a lemon for me?  

  • I know “appuyer” for “push or press” an elevator or other button.  I see “presser” is also used.  Is it common?
  • "presser qn de faire".  the only time I’ve heard this is when americans learn about the war of 1812.  britain was intercepting US ships and “pressing men into the british navy.”  I saw the sentence “retired doctors were pressed into service.”  But I’d never heard this.  Also, u can say “if pressed, I’ll give u an answer now” but u won’t really hear it.  if u watch the news a lot, u’ll hear “pressing someone in an interview to address a particular question.”  Dry cleaners still use the word “press” to mean “to iron.” 
  • I used “vous etes presse”? b4 I asked someone a question and I know “depeches-toi” for “hurry up.” these below would b handy if they’re commonly used:

Est-ce que ça presse ? - Is it urgent?  

rien ne presse - there's no hurry


Pls inform if the other uses below are common

presser le pas  

presser qn de questions  

presser dans les eglise

se presser contre qn

se presser autour de (i saw a sentence that people all crowded around X's desk using 
se presser autour)


i saw these in the dictionary:

dites voir.  I would use « dites-moi »

Montrez voir – i would use « montrez-moi »

Let me have a look. Fais voir.

Is there also « fais ecouter” or “fais gouter” – can I have a listen? can I have a taste?

i knew « j’aime autant partir .»  i saw "Ça m'arrange de partir." are they both used?    

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