French Language

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Hi folks,

In a social gathering/party I meet a guest in following situation;
- both are strangers in the part and alone, age 40-50
- just meet in the party getting to know each and other
- while walking around in the party with a drink in hand

If I ask his/her name which of following sentences will be more appropriate?

Quel est votre nom s'ilvousplaît
What is your name please

Comment vous appelez-vous s'ilvousplaît

Puis-je connaître votre nom s'ilvousplaît
May I know your name please



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Hi !

The most formal way to ask in the situation you described is the third one. But you can also ask : "puis-je vous demander votre nom ?". It's pretty unsual we use the verb "connaître" even if it's perfectly French. I hope it helps ;-) Bye !
Hi Aubier,

Thanks for your advice.

I agree with Megumi, it would sound weird to add "s'il vous plaît" at the end of this sentence. It is proper French but we don't use it with such a question. As you know there are big differences between spoken language and the written one. In your example, and in the exact same situation, I bet a French would say "j'peux vous demander votre nom ?" (saying it with a big smile)
Hi Aubier and Megumi

Thanks for your advice. Would it be normal starting the conversation with Bonjour?

Bonjour ! puis-je vous demander votre nom

Of course ! You start saying bonjour, then you can introduce yourself " je suis ...... Puis-je permettre de vous demander votre nom ?"

I hope it helpt !
Sorry I forgot a word : puis-je ME permettre etc.

> Puis-je me permettre de vous demander votre nom ?
May I be allowed to ask your name

May I ask your name

Are the meaning correct?



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