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Respected members!


I have been doing some exercises online: Les articles


Where the correct answers according to the website are:


1. J'ai acheté du lait, un livre et des nouvelles chaussures.
5. les touristes préfèrent visiter les musées et les monuments.
6. Les Japonais ne parlent pas français.
8. Tu as vu les photos de Marie ?


My questions:

1. I have been taught when the plural form of the adjective precedes the subject, we have to use the reduced form of the partitif form. But here the complete form is used?

5. Why can't we use "des" here before touristes, a new entity is being introduced?

6. Same as question 5.

8. Same as question 5.


Thanks in advance!



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1.  I bought some milk, a book, and some new shoes.

5. The tourists prefer to visit the museums and the monuments. 

6. The Japanese don't speak French.

8. You saw Mary's photos? (or the photos of Mary)


I think I see what u mean. If I can more or less replace le determinant with the eng. "the", then I have to use Le/la/les. But if I can repalce it With "some", I have to use determinant indefini?

That is how I look at it-as a general "rule of thumb" .

For question 5, 6 and 8,  if your replace Les touriste by Des tourists, it's not the same sense => Les touristes mean all the tourists (global), Des tourists means some tourists, a few tourists

For question 1, de nouvelles chaussures is correct


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