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there was this french question paper I found. I can't find what to do here. :)


completer les phrases suivantes:

1. Le pere de Jean est tombe malade. ........................ l'a empeche de finir ses examens.

2. La voiture a percute un platane. ...................... a ete terrifiant.

What to do here guys?

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1. Le pere de Jean est tombe malade. ........................ l'a empeche de finir ses examens.

2. La voiture a percute un platane. ...................... a ete terrifiant.


1: The father of Jean fell ill.     ....  prevented him from finishing his exams.

2: The car  went into a tree.    .....   was  terrifying.


What would be the word missing in the English translation?

1: The father of Jean fell ill.     It  prevented him from finishing his exams.

2: The car  went into a tree.    It   was  terrifying.

Is this correct?

Yes that is correct but now you have to put it (= "it")  into the French text and it gets a bit complicated!

You can't say "il" because  in (1) it would mean " the father" which wouldn't make sense. And in (2)  it would mean the tree was terrifying  which  wouldn't make sense either.


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