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i can't see where to use the latter instead of the former.
(consacrer has a religious meaning)
Else :
Consacrer quelque chose = to give all this thing to do something. There is an idea of to give completely, totaly, all but only the "quelque chose".
consacrer son énergie = spending his energyfor something.
Consacrer son temps = spending time for something.
Se consacrer à quelque chose = not only spending time or energy, all your attention is for this thing, your whole yourself is for this thing.
Se consacrer = consacrer soi-même, consacrer sa personne entière.
consecration has a religious meaning in english, but i've only seen it as a ceremony when u embark on religious study.
i have this as my study example:
Il consacre b.c. de temps à ses enfants.
actually, i thought it would say se consacrer since many parents probably do se consacrer chez leur enfants. the french use "s'occuper de" a lot so probably i won't see the need to use consacrer. in my example, i could have just said "il s'occupe de ses enfants."
"il s'occupe de ses enfants" is to say that he is spending some time just for his children for a moment or some activities. Maybe a lot of time, maybe just one hour.
Tous les matins, il s'occupe de ses enfants, il leur fait le petit-déjeuner, les prépare et les emmène à l'école.
If he spends a lot of time for his children = il consacre beaucoup de temps = there are different ways to imply this meaning :
Il consacre beaucoup de temps à ses enfants = he spends a lot of time for his children. (he plays, he helps for homeworks, he goes to sports match, he goes to cinema,...)
C'est lui qui s'occupe de ses enfants. = this suggests he is the only one who take care of the children so he spends a lot of time for his children.
Il s'occupe beaucoup de ses enfants = he spends a lot of time for his children = il consacre du temps à ses enfants.
"se consacrer" is stronger.
"se consacrer à l'éducation de ses enfants" = you stop your job just to educate your children.
"se consacrer à ses enfants" : you forget all (even yourself) except your children.
he is spending some time just WITH (NOT FOR) his children
u LEAVE ur job, not stop ur job
u forget EVERYTHING not all
Consacrer quelque chose = to give EVERYTHING (not all this thing) to do something.
"There is an idea of to give completely, totaly, all but only the "quelque chose". me: it's implied that u dedicate urself (or are totally or completely devoted) totally or completely to whatever.
"not only spending time or energy, all your attention is for this thing, your whole yourself is for this thing." me: not only spending time or energy, but u're totally devoted to whatever.
Consacrer quelque chose = to give EVERYTHING (not all this thing) to do something.
I think, It's not what I wanted to say. everyting = tout.
consacrer quelque chose <> donner tout
consacrer DU TEMPS = donner DU TEMPS
consacrer DE L'ENERGIE = donner DE L'ENERGIE
SE consacrer = donner SOI-MËME = donner tout = totally devoted.
actually only well-educated people will use "he gives his all to his kids."
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